# Assembly name: lodBeiA1 # Organism name: Lodderomyces beijingensis (ascomycete fungi) # Infraspecific name: strain=CBS 14171 # Taxid: 1775926 # BioSample: SAMEA115394517 # BioProject: PRJEB72723 # Submitter: Comenius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics # Date: 2024-03-15 # Assembly type: haploid # Release type: major # Assembly level: Complete Genome # Genome representation: full # Assembly method: flye # Genome coverage: 233x # Sequencing technology: OXFORD_NANOPORE,ILLUMINA # Relation to type material: assembly from type material # RefSeq category: Reference Genome # GenBank assembly accession: GCA_963989305.1 # RefSeq assembly accession: GCF_963989305.1 # RefSeq assembly and GenBank assemblies identical: no # ## Assembly-Units: ## GenBank Unit Accession RefSeq Unit Accession Assembly-Unit name ## GCA_963989304.1 GCF_963989304.1 Primary Assembly ## GCA_963989306.1 non-nuclear # # Ordered by chromosome/plasmid; the chromosomes/plasmids are followed by # unlocalized scaffolds. # Unplaced scaffolds are listed at the end. # RefSeq is equal or derived from GenBank object. # # Sequence-Name Sequence-Role Assigned-Molecule Assigned-Molecule-Location/Type GenBank-Accn Relationship RefSeq-Accn Assembly-Unit Sequence-Length UCSC-style-name chr1 assembled-molecule 1 Chromosome OZ022405.1 = NC_089970.1 Primary Assembly 2862873 na chr2 assembled-molecule 2 Chromosome OZ022406.1 = NC_089971.1 Primary Assembly 2320221 na chr3 assembled-molecule 3 Chromosome OZ022407.1 = NC_089972.1 Primary Assembly 2306304 na chr4 assembled-molecule 4 Chromosome OZ022408.1 = NC_089973.1 Primary Assembly 2114155 na chr5 assembled-molecule 5 Chromosome OZ022409.1 = NC_089974.1 Primary Assembly 1970551 na chr6 assembled-molecule 6 Chromosome OZ022410.1 = NC_089975.1 Primary Assembly 1445490 na chr7 assembled-molecule 7 Chromosome OZ022411.1 = NC_089976.1 Primary Assembly 1130513 na chr8 assembled-molecule 8 Chromosome OZ022412.1 = NC_089977.1 Primary Assembly 964189 na mtDNA assembled-molecule MT Mitochondrion OZ022413.1 <> na non-nuclear 56464 na