track assembly longLabel Assembly shortLabel Assembly visibility pack colorByStrand 150,100,30 230,170,40 color 150,100,30 altColor 230,170,40 bigDataUrl bbi/ type bigBed 6 html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.assembly searchIndex name searchTrix ixIxx/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.assembly.ix url$$ urlLabel NCBI Nucleotide database: group map track gap longLabel AGP gap shortLabel Gap (AGP defined) visibility dense color 0,0,0 bigDataUrl bbi/ type bigBed 4 group map html html/ track cytoBandIdeo shortLabel Chromosome Band (Ideogram) longLabel Ideogram for Orientation group map visibility dense type bigBed 4 + bigDataUrl bbi/ track gc5Base shortLabel GC Percent longLabel GC Percent in 5-Base Windows group map visibility full autoScale Off maxHeightPixels 128:36:16 graphTypeDefault Bar gridDefault OFF windowingFunction Mean color 0,0,0 altColor 128,128,128 viewLimits 30:70 type bigWig 0 100 bigDataUrl bbi/ html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.gc5Base track tanDups shortLabel Tandem Dups longLabel Paired identical sequences compositeTrack on visibility hide type bigBed 12 group map html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.tanDups track tandemDups parent tanDups on shortLabel Tandem Dups longLabel Paired exactly identical sequence survey over entire genome assembly bigDataUrl bbi/ type bigBed 12 track repeatMasker shortLabel RepeatMasker longLabel RepeatMasker Repetitive Elements type bigRmsk 9 + visibility pack group varRep bigDataUrl bbi/ xrefDataUrl bbi/ maxWindowToDraw 5000000 html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.repeatMasker track simpleRepeat shortLabel Simple Repeats longLabel Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF group varRep visibility dense type bigBed 4 + bigDataUrl bbi/ html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.simpleRepeat track refSeqComposite compositeTrack on shortLabel NCBI RefSeq longLabel RefSeq gene predictions from NCBI group genes visibility pack type bigBed dragAndDrop subTracks allButtonPair on dataVersion INSDC submitter (2023-12-27) html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.refSeqComposite priority 2 track ncbiRefSeq parent refSeqComposite on color 12,12,120 altColor 120,12,12 shortLabel RefSeq All type bigGenePred labelFields name,geneName,geneName2 defaultLabelFields geneName2 searchIndex name searchTrix ixIxx/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.ncbiRefSeq.ix bigDataUrl bbi/ longLabel NCBI RefSeq genes, curated and predicted sets (NM_*, XM_*, NR_*, XR_*, NP_* or YP_*) idXref ncbiRefSeqLink mrnaAcc name baseColorUseCds given baseColorDefault genomicCodons priority 1 track ncbiRefSeqPredicted color 12,12,120 parent refSeqComposite on shortLabel RefSeq Predicted longLabel NCBI RefSeq genes, predicted subset (XM_* or XR_*) type bigGenePred labelFields name,geneName,geneName2 defaultLabelFields geneName2 searchIndex name searchTrix ixIxx/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.ncbiRefSeqPredicted.ix idXref ncbiRefSeqLink mrnaAcc name bigDataUrl bbi/ baseColorUseCds given baseColorDefault genomicCodons priority 3 track ncbiRefSeqPsl priority 5 parent refSeqComposite off shortLabel RefSeq Alignments longLabel RefSeq Alignments of RNAs type bigPsl searchIndex name bigDataUrl bbi/ indelDoubleInsert on indelQueryInsert on showDiffBasesAllScales . showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0 showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0 showCdsAllScales . baseColorDefault diffCodons pslSequence no baseColorUseSequence lfExtra baseColorUseCds table given color 0,0,0 track cpgIslands compositeTrack on shortLabel CpG Islands longLabel CpG Islands (Islands < 300 Bases are Light Green) group regulation visibility pack type bigBed 4 + html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.cpgIslands track cpgIslandExt parent cpgIslands off shortLabel CpG Islands longLabel CpG Islands (Islands < 300 Bases are Light Green) type bigBed 4 + priority 1 bigDataUrl bbi/ track cpgIslandExtUnmasked parent cpgIslands on shortLabel Unmasked CpG longLabel CpG Islands on All Sequence (Islands < 300 Bases are Light Green) type bigBed 4 + priority 2 bigDataUrl bbi/ track windowMasker shortLabel WM + SDust longLabel Genomic Intervals Masked by WindowMasker + SDust group varRep visibility dense type bigBed 3 bigDataUrl bbi/ html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.windowMasker track allGaps shortLabel All Gaps longLabel All gaps of unknown nucleotides (N's), including AGP annotated gaps group map visibility dense type bigBed 3 bigDataUrl bbi/ html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.allGaps track augustus shortLabel Augustus longLabel Augustus Gene Predictions group genes visibility dense color 180,0,0 type bigGenePred bigDataUrl bbi/ html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.augustus track xenoRefGene shortLabel RefSeq mRNAs longLabel RefSeq mRNAs mapped to this assembly group rna visibility pack color 180,0,0 type bigGenePred bigDataUrl bbi/ url$$ urlLabel NCBI Nucleotide database: labelFields name,geneName,geneName2 defaultLabelFields geneName searchIndex name searchTrix ixIxx/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.xenoRefGene.ix html html/GCF_000181695.2_ASM18169v2.xenoRefGene