hub GCA_002776525.1 genome assembly shortLabel Ugandan red Colobus (RC106 v1 2017) longLabel Ugandan red Colobus (RC106 v1 2017)/Piliocolobus tephrosceles/GCA_002776525.1_ASM277652v1 genome assembly useOneFile on email descriptionUrl html/GCA_002776525.1_ASM277652v1.description.html genome GCA_002776525.1 taxId 591936 groups groups.txt description Ugandan red Colobus (RC106 v1 2017) twoBitPath GCA_002776525.1.2bit twoBitBptUrl GCA_002776525.1.2bit.bpt chromSizes GCA_002776525.1.chrom.sizes.txt chromAliasBb organism ASM277652v1 Nov. 2017 defaultPos PDMG01000257.1:17204939-17214939 scientificName Piliocolobus tephrosceles htmlPath html/GCA_002776525.1_ASM277652v1.description.html blat 4040 dynamic GCA/002/776/525/GCA_002776525.1 transBlat 4040 dynamic GCA/002/776/525/GCA_002776525.1 isPcr 4040 dynamic GCA/002/776/525/GCA_002776525.1 track assembly longLabel Assembly shortLabel Assembly visibility pack colorByStrand 150,100,30 230,170,40 color 150,100,30 altColor 230,170,40 bigDataUrl 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bigBed 12 track tandemDups parent tanDups on shortLabel Tandem Dups longLabel Paired exactly identical sequence survey over entire genome assembly bigDataUrl bbi/ type bigBed 12 track repeatMasker compositeTrack on shortLabel RepeatMasker longLabel Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker group varRep visibility dense type bigBed 6 + colorByStrand 50,50,150 150,50,50 maxWindowToDraw 10000000 spectrum on html html/GCA_002776525.1_ASM277652v1.repeatMasker track repeatMaskerSINE parent repeatMasker shortLabel SINE longLabel SINE Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 1 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerLINE parent repeatMasker shortLabel LINE longLabel LINE Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 2 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerLTR parent repeatMasker shortLabel LTR longLabel LTR Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 3 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerDNA parent repeatMasker shortLabel DNA longLabel DNA Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 4 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerSimple parent repeatMasker shortLabel Simple longLabel Simple Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 5 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerLowComplexity parent repeatMasker shortLabel Low Complexity longLabel Low Complexity Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 6 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerSatellite parent repeatMasker shortLabel Satellite longLabel Satellite Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 7 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerRNA parent repeatMasker shortLabel RNA longLabel RNA Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 8 bigDataUrl bbi/ track repeatMaskerOther parent repeatMasker shortLabel Other longLabel Other Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker type bigBed 6 + priority 9 bigDataUrl bbi/ track simpleRepeat shortLabel Simple Repeats longLabel Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF group varRep visibility dense type bigBed 4 + 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