This directory contains the downloadable tables in the UCSC UniProt database. This database is shared by tracks that incorporate UniProt data, such as the Known Genes tracks. For more information on UniProt, see To see descriptions of the tables in uniProt, visit the Table Browser: select "All Tables" as the group, select uniProt as the database, and select a table. Then click the "describe table schema" button. ---------------------------------------------------- UniProt copyright (c) 2002 - 2004 UniProt consortium For non-commercial use all databases and documents in the UniProt FTP directory may be copied and redistributed freely, without advance permission, provided that this copyright statement is reproduced with each copy. For commercial use all databases and documents in the UniProt FTP directory, except the files and may be copied and redistributed freely, without advance permission, provided that this copyright statement is reproduced with each copy. More information for commercial users can be found in: From January 1, 2005, all databases and documents in the UniProt FTP directory may be copied and redistributed freely by all entities, without advance permission, provided that this copyright statement is reproduced with each copy.