Medaka 5-way conservation track, phastCons 5-Way raw data scores ERROR NOTE: We have determined that UCSC's assembly of the chrUn sequence for oryLat1 is incorrect: the gap relationships between contigs within their ultracontigs are broken. We are in the process of correcting this error, and plan to post a corrected data set in late July. We apologize for the inconvenience. The format of these files are fixedStep wiggle files. see also: A data section is introduced in each file with a line declaring the chromosome, the starting position, and the span. For example, begins: fixedStep chrom=chrM start=1 step=1 0.860 0.917 0.957 ... etc ... Following the fixedStep line are data values. They start at the position specified by the 'start=N' value on the fixedStep line. In this example, the first value 0.860 is at the first nucleotide of chrM, the next value 0.917 is at the second nucleotide of chrM. The 'step=1' specifies that each value spans a single nucleotide. There can be numerous fixedStep declarations in each file. For nucleotide positions not covered by the data specified, there are no data values. These raw data values are compressed into single byte representations when loaded into the database for the genome browser display. The compression results in some loss of precision. This is an acceptable trade-off because the genome browser display is a large compression of data into the simple bar graph even if it hadn't been compressed before display. This means that values obtained from the data base via the Tables Browser function of the genome browser, will be different than these raw data values.