This directory contains compressed FASTA alignments for the CDS regions of the mouse genome (mm9, Mar. 2006) aligned to the following assemblies: _ mouse Mus musculus July 2007, mm9 _ rat Rattus norvegicus Nov 2004, rn4 _ guinea pig Cavia porcellus Oct 2005, cavPor2 _ rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus May 2005, oryCun1 _ human Homo sapiens Mar 2006, hg18 _ chimpanzee Pan troglodytes Mar 2006, panTro2 _ orangutan Pongo pygmaeus abelii July 2007, ponAbe2 _ rhesus Macaca mulatta Jan 2006, rheMac2 _ marmoset Callithrix jacchus June 2007, calJac1 _ bushbaby Otolemur garnetti Dec 2006, otoGar1 _ tree shrew Tupaia belangeri Dec 2006, tupBel1 _ shrew Sorex araneus June 2006, sorAra1 _ hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus June 2006, eriEur1 _ dog Canis familiaris May 2005, canFam2 _ cat Felis catus Mar 2006, felCat3 _ horse Equus caballus Jan 2007, equCab1 _ cow Bos taurus Aug 2006, bosTau3 _ armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus May 2005, dasNov1 _ elephant Loxodonta africana May 2005, loxAfr1 _ tenrec Echinops telfairi July 2005, echTel1 _ opossum Monodelphis domestica Jan 2006, monDom4 _ platypus Ornithorhychus anatinus Mar 2007, ornAna1 _ chicken Gallus gallus May 2006, galGal3 _ lizard Anolis carolinensis Feb 2007, anoCar1 _ frog Xenopus tropicalis Aug 2005, xenTro2 _ tetraodon Tetraodon nigroviridis Feb 2004, tetNig1 _ fugu Takifugu rubripes Oct 2004, fr2 _ stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Feb 2006, gasAcu1 _ medaka Oryzias latipes Apr 2006, oryLat1 _ zebrafish Danio rerio July 2007, danRer5 Files included in this directory: - knownGene.exon*.fa.gz: for each exon in the mm9 UCSC Gene track, this file contains either amino acids (AA) or nucleotides (Nuc) for mm9 and the aligning genomes. - knownCanonical.exon*.fa.gz: for each exon in the mm9 canonical set of UCSC Genes, this file contains either amino acids (AA) or nucleotides (Nuc) for mm9 and the aligning genomes. - refGene.exon*.fa.gz: for each exon in the mm9 RefSeq Gene track, this file contains either amino acids (AA) or nucleotides (Nuc) for mm9 and the aligning genomes. For a description of multiple alignment format (MAF), see and --------------------------------------------------------------- To download a large file or multiple files from this directory, we recommend that you use ftp rather than downloading the files via our website. To do so: ftp user name: anonymous password: go to the directory goldenPath/mm9/multiz30way/alignment To download multiple files from the UNIX command line, use the "mget" command. mget ... - or - mget -a (to download all the files in the directory) Use the "prompt" command to toggle the interactive mode if you do not want to be prompted for each file that you download. --------------------------------------------------------------- All the files in this directory are freely usable for any purpose. For data use restrictions regarding the individual genome assemblies, see