This directory contains the downloadable files associated with the ENCODE Regulation 'DNase Clusters' track. All data in this track are freely available. This track is described here: ENCODE data files are subject to use restrictions for 9 months following data submission ( All data in this track have passed the 9 month restriction period and so are freely available. The following files are provided for download: Data files for this release: * wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV3.bed.gz - DNase clusters (V3) from UW and Duke ENCODE data uniformly processed by the ENCODE Analysis Working Group, retaining 'clusters' from single cell types. * - Cell types with IDs describing sourceIds field of V3 bed file * - Auxiliary table with metadata for the clusters Data files from the previous release of this track: * wgEncodeRegDnaseClustered.bed.gz - DNase clusters (V1) from UW ENCODE data * wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV2.bed.gz - DNase clusters (V2) from UW ENCODE data * - Auxiliary table with metadata for the clusters (V1)