This directory contains the downloadable files associated with this ENCODE composite track. For a filterable list of these files along with additional information such as release status, restriction dates, track description, methods, and metadata, please use the 'Downloadable Files' user interface at: In addition to data files, this directory contains the following: following: * files.txt - a file listing each data file and its metadata. * supplemental - a directory containing additional files provided by the submitting laboratory. * obsolete files - WARNING - Revoked and replaced data files may be present in this directory. Please make every effort to determine that you are using the latest version of the data. To do so access the recommended 'Downloadable Files' user interface via the URL provided above or check files.txt. If the data file is not listed in files.txt or has a tag of objStatus=revoked or replaced, then the file is obsolete. * releaseN directories - WARNING - These are only present on the genome-preview site. Please note that data files on genome-preview have not been verified or released to the public. They are subject to change without notice and should be used with caution.