This directory contains the raw wiggle data used for the Affymetrix Transcriptome Phase 3 Long RNA and Short RNA Signal tracks on the hg18 browser (data coordinates were converted via liftOver from the hg17 browser). The files in this directory are named the following way: for the 10 wiggle subtracks in the Long RNA track, the file name is prefixed with "lRNA". Similarly, for the Short RNA track, the 4 wiggle file names start with "sRNA". Files included in this directory: lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HDF.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLaCyto.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLaNuclear.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2Cyto.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2Nuclear.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3Jurkat.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3NCCIT.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3PC3.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3SK_N_AS.wigVar.gz lRNA.affyTxnPhase3U87MG.wigVar.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLaBottomStrand.wigVar.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HeLaTopStrand.wigVar.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2BottomStrand.wigVar.gz sRNA.affyTxnPhase3HepG2TopStrand.wigVar.gz Credits: Data generation and analysis were performed by the transcriptome group at Affymetrix with assistance from colleagues at the University of Leipzig, Fraunhofer Institute, and University of Vienna: P. Kapranov, J. Cheng, S. Dike, D.A. Nix, R. Duttagupta, A.T. Willingham, P.F. Stadler, J. Hertel, J. Hackermüller, I.L. Hofacker, I. Bell, E. Cheung, J. Drenkow, E. Dumais, S. Patel, G. Helt, M. Ganesh, S. Ghosh, A. Piccolboni, V. Sementchenko, H. Tammana, T.R. Gingeras. All the files in this directory are freely available for public use.