This directory contains compressed phastCons scores for multiple alignments of the following assemblies to the Human Jul. 2003 (hg16) genome: - Chimp Nov. 2003 (panTro1) - Mouse Feb 2003 (mm3) - Rat Jun. 2003 (rn3) - Chicken Feb. 2004 (galGal2) Each human chromosome has a corresponding data file. When uncompressed, the data file contains two columns: a 1-based coordinate and a score showing the posterior probability that phastCons's phylogenetic hidden Markov model (HMM) is in its most-conserved state at that base position. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- References for phastCons: Siepel, A., Bejerano, G., Pedersen, J.S., Hinrichs, A., Hou, M., Rosenbloom, K., Clawson, H., Spieth, J., Hillier, L.W., Richards, S., Weinstock, G.M., Wilson, R. K., Gibbs, R.A., Kent, W.J., Miller, W., and Haussler, D. Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes. Genome Res. 15, 1034-1050 (2005). ( Siepel, A. and Haussler, D. Phylogenetic hidden Markov models. In R. Nielsen, ed., Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution, Springer (in press) (2004). For a discussion of the methods used to calculate the phastCons scores, see the description page for the Conservation track in the Genome Browser.