browser position chr19:69324200-59310700 browser hide all # 150 base wide bar graph at arbitrarily spaced positions, # threshold line drawn at y=11.76 # autoScale off viewing range set to [0:25] # priority = 10 positions this as the first graph # Note, one-relative coordinate system in use for this format track type=wiggle_0 name="variableStep" description="variableStep format" \ visibility=full autoScale=off viewLimits=0.0:25.0 color=50,150,255 \ yLineMark=11.76 yLineOnOff=on priority=10 variableStep chrom=chr19 span=150 59304701 10.0 59304901 12.5 59305401 15.0 59305601 17.5 59305901 20.0 59306081 17.5 59306301 15.0 59306691 12.5 59307871 10.0 # 200 base wide points graph at every 300 bases, 50 pixel high graph # autoScale off and viewing range set to [0:1000] # priority = 20 positions this as the second graph # Note, one-relative coordinate system in use for this format track type=wiggle_0 name="fixedStep" description="fixedStep format" visibility=full \ autoScale=off viewLimits=0:1000 color=0,200,100 maxHeightPixels=100:50:20 \ graphType=points priority=20 fixedStep chrom=chr19 start=59307401 step=300 span=200 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100