This directory contains a dump of the UCSC genome annotation database for the Oct. 2007 assembly of the cow genome (bosTau4, Baylor Release 4.0). The annotations were generated by UCSC and collaborators worldwide. This assembly was produced by the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center. For more information on the cow genome, see the project website: Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center Files included in this directory (updated nightly): - *.sql files: the MySQL commands used to create the tables - *.txt.gz files: the database tables in a tab-delimited format compressed with gzip. See for descriptions of the tables. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you plan to download a large file or multiple files from this directory, we recommend you use ftp rather than downloading the files via our website. To do so, ftp to, then go to the directory goldenPath/bosTau4/database/. To download multiple files, use the "mget" command: mget ... - or - mget -a (to download all the files in the directory) Alternate methods to ftp access. Using an rsync command to download the entire directory: rsync -avzP rsync:// . For a single file, e.g. gc5Base.txt.gz rsync -avzP rsync:// . Or with wget, all files: wget --timestamping '*' With wget, a single file: wget --timestamping '' -O gc5Base.txt.gz To uncompress the *.txt.gz files: gunzip .txt.gz The tables can be loaded directly from the .txt.gz compressed file. It is not necessary to uncompress them to load into a database, as shown in the example below. To load one of the tables directly into your local mirror database, for example the table chromInfo: ## create table from the sql definition $ hgsql bosTau4 < chromInfo.sql ## load data from the txt.gz file $ zcat chromInfo.txt.gz | hgsql bosTau4 --local-infile=1 -e 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "/dev/stdin" INTO TABLE chromInfo;' For conditions of use regarding the Cow genome sequence data, see . All the files and tables in this directory are freely usable for any purpose.