track uniprot2023_02 shortLabel UniProt 2023_02 longLabel UniProt SwissProt/TrEMBL Protein Annotations, release 2023_02 visibility hide type bigBed 12 + exonNumbers off compositeTrack on allButtonPair on mouseOverField comments urls uniProtId="$$#section_features" pmids="$$" itemRgb on hideEmptySubtracks on track unipAliSwissprot2023_02 shortLabel SwissProt Aln. longLabel UCSC alignment of SwissProt proteins to genome - 2023_02 priority 1 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility hide type bigPsl bigDataUrl 2023_02/ searchIndex name,acc urls acc="$$" hgncId="$$" labelFields acc,uniprotName,geneName,hgncSym,refSeq,refSeqProt,ensProt,uniprotName mouseOverField protFullNames itemRgb off color 2,12,120 indelDoubleInsert on indelQueryInsert on baseColorTickColor contrastingColor baseColorUseCds given baseColorDefault genomicCodons showDiffBasesAllScales on track unipAliTrembl2023_02 shortLabel TrEMBL Aln. longLabel UCSC alignment of TrEMBL proteins to genome - 2023_02 priority 2 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigPsl bigDataUrl 2023_02/ searchIndex name,acc urls acc="$$" hgncId="$$" labelFields acc,uniprotName,geneName,hgncSym,refSeq,refSeqProt,ensProt,uniprotName mouseOverField protFullNames itemRgb off color 0,150,250 indelDoubleInsert on indelQueryInsert on baseColorTickColor contrastingColor baseColorUseCds given baseColorDefault genomicCodons showDiffBasesAllScales on track unipLocSignal2023_02 shortLabel Signal Peptide longLabel UniProt Signal Peptides - 2023_02 priority 3 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ color 255,0,150 itemRgb off filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipLocExtra2023_02 shortLabel Extracellular longLabel UniProt Extracellular Domain - 2023_02 priority 4 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ color 0,150,255 itemRgb off filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipLocTransMemb2023_02 shortLabel Transmembrane longLabel UniProt Transmembrane Domains - 2023_02 priority 5 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ color 0,150,0 itemRgb off filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipLocCytopl2023_02 shortLabel Cytoplasmic longLabel UniProt Cytoplasmic Domains - 2023_02 priority 6 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ color 255,150,0 itemRgb off filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipChain2023_02 shortLabel Chains longLabel UniProt Mature Protein Products (Polypeptide Chains) - 2023_02 priority 7 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#ptm_processing" pmids="$$" filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipInterest2023_02 shortLabel Interest longLabel UniProt Regions of Interest - 2023_02 priority 4 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ itemRgb off filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipDomain2023_02 shortLabel Domains longLabel UniProt Domains - 2023_02 priority 8 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#family_and_domains" pmids="$$" filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipDisulfBond2023_02 shortLabel Disulf. Bonds longLabel UniProt Disulfide Bonds - 2023_02 priority 8 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipModif2023_02 shortLabel AA Modifications longLabel UniProt Amino Acid Modifications - 2023_02 priority 9 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#aaMod_section" pmids="$$" filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipMut2023_02 shortLabel Mutations longLabel UniProt Amino Acid Mutations - 2023_02 priority 10 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#pathology_and_biotech" pmids="$$" variationId="$$" track unipStruct2023_02 shortLabel Structure longLabel UniProt Protein Primary/Secondary Structure Annotations - 2023_02 priority 11 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility hide type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#structure" pmids="$$" filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipOther2023_02 shortLabel Other Annot. longLabel UniProt Other Annotations - 2023_02 priority 11 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#family_and_domains" pmids="$$" filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipRepeat2023_02 shortLabel Repeats longLabel UniProt Repeats - 2023_02 priority 12 parent uniprot2023_02 visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#family_and_domains" pmids="$$" filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL) track unipConflict2023_02 shortLabel Seq. Conflicts longLabel UniProt Sequence Conflicts - 2023_02 priority 13 parent uniprot2023_02 off visibility dense type bigBed 12 + bigDataUrl 2023_02/ urls uniProtId="$$#Sequence_conflict_section" pmids="$$" filterValues.status Manually reviewed (Swiss-Prot),Unreviewed (TrEMBL)