This directory is an archive of previous versions of track data. For the current versions, please see: In each assembly level directory, there is a subdirectory per track or track set, which is then further subdivided by the version of track data. Some tracks have version numbers or names while some are just the date the data was made if a version number was not available. The minimum set of data for each track is: - $table.txt.gz: gzipped MySQL table dump - $table.sql: the MySQL load instructions to make the table - $ The binary file if the track is not a MySQL table (for bigBed, bigPsl, bigGenePred, BAM, VCF, etc) - $ the corresponding trackDb definition for displaying the track in the browser Other tracks may have other files, if for instance there are multiple tables used to make the display then all may be present in the archive. For questions please contact us via one of our mailing lists: