ENIGMA BRCA1/BRCA2 specs 1.1.0 BRCA1/BRCA2 splicing 1.1.0 Track Settings
BRCA1/BRCA2 variant codes according to PVS1 decision trees (ENIGMA specs version 1.1.0)

Track collection: ENIGMA BRCA1/BRCA2 Panel Specifications of ACMG/AMP Guidelines version 1.1.0

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Assembly: Human Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)
Data last updated at UCSC: 2024-02-22 13:49:15


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The tracks listed here contain data from the ClinGen ENIGMA BRCA1 and BRCA2 Expert Panel Specifications to the ACMG/AMP Variant Interpretation Guidelines for BRCA1/BRCA1 Version 1.0.0. The ENIGMA VCEP has adapted the ACMG-AMP codes for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These include the codes PVS1 (modified PVS1 decision tree), PS3/BS3 (functional data), PP4/BP5 (multifactorial data), PM5_PTC (PTC data, at exon level), the (potentially) clinically important functional domains defined by ENIGMA, and prediction programs (SpliceAI and BayesDel for PP3/BP4).

The data required for the application of these ENIGMA codes are displayed in 5 data tracks:

  • BRCA1/BRCA2 protein domains 1.1.0 - Shows the (potentially) clinically important functional domains for the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 as defined by ENIGMA. Data taken from Figure 1 of the guidelines document CSpec_BRCA12ACMG-Rules-Specifications_V1.0_23-04-27.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 exon weights 1.1.0 - This track shows exon-specific weights for the PM5_PTC ACMG code and is used for the application of novel protein termination codon (PTC) variants in an exon where a different proven pathogenic PTC variant has been seen before. Data taken from guidelines document CSpec_BRCA12ACMG_Rules-SupplementaryTables_V1.0_23-04-27.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 functional assays 1.1.0 - Summary of BRCA1 and BRCA2 functional assay results reviewed for application of PS3 and BS3 ACMG codes. Data taken from guidelines document CSpec_BRCA12ACMG-Rules-Specifications_V1.0_Table-9_23-04-27.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 splicing 1.1.0 - Summary of ACMG codes applicable for variants considered against the BRCA1 and BRCA2 PVS1 decision trees. Includes PVS1 and PM5 codes recommended for initiation, nonsense/frameshift, deletion, duplication, and splice site (donor/acceptor ±1,2) variants– organized by exon. Data taken from guidelines document CSpec_BRCA12ACMG-Rules-Specifications_V1.0_Table-4_23-04-27.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 likelihood for PP4 and BP5 - Summary of BRCA1 and BRCA2 multifactorial likelihood analysis scores (displayed as Combined LR score) for ACMG codes PP4 and BP5. Data taken from Parsons et al. 2019 suppl table HUMU-40-1557-s001_Parson_Multicatorial.xlsx.

Display Conventions

  • BRCA1/BRCA2 protein domains 1.1.0 - Items in red show clinically relevant protein domains. Mouseover on items shows the name of the domain and the location.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 exon weights 1.1.0 - Mouseover on exons (black items) shows the transcript, exon number, and the PM5_PTC code strength.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 functional assays 1.1.0 - Variants assigned with BS3 code are displayed in green, PS3 code in red, or no code assigned in black. Mouseover on items show variant HGVS nomenclature, assigned ACMG code and code weight.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 splicing 1.1.0 - Items show variant positions, red indicates exon deletions, blue exon duplications, and purple items indicate variants with supporting RNA-based functional evidence. Mouseover on items show transcript, exon, variant position, possible variant type at that position, and assigned ACMG code to the variant.
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 likelihood for PP4 and BP5 - Variants assigned with PP4 code are displayed in red, BP5 code in green, and non-informative variants (no code assigned) in grey. Mouseover on items show variant HGVS nomenclature, combined likelihood ratio (LR) score, and assigned ACMG code and strength.

Data Access

The most up-to-date VCEP specifications for the application of ACMG/AMP criteria for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are freely available at the ClinGen Criteria Specification (CSpec) Registry. This registry is intended to provide access to the Criteria Specifications used and applied by ClinGen Variant Curation Expert Panels and biocurators in the classification of variants.


These data were created and adapted from the files referenced above. Some custom scripting was employed in tasks like mapping variants, adding colors and mouseovers, and producing the desired format. For the complete details on the data processing see the makedoc on our github.


Thank you to Luis Nassar from the Genome Browser team, Anna Benet-Pagès and Andreas Laner for technical coordination and consultation, and to the ENIGMA consortia for making these data available.


Enigma Guidelines: https://clinicalgenome.org/affiliation/50087/

Enigma Consortium: https://enigmaconsortium.org/

Parsons MT, Tudini E, Li H, Hahnen E, Wappenschmidt B, Feliubadaló L, Aalfs CM, Agata S, Aittomäki K, Alducci E et al. Large scale multifactorial likelihood quantitative analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants: An ENIGMA resource to support clinical variant classification. Hum Mutat. 2019 Sep;40(9):1557-1578. PMID: 31131967; PMC: PMC6772163