Schema for Primate RBest Chain/Net - Primate Reciprocal Best Chain and Net Alignments
  Database: hg38    Primary Table: netRBestRhiRox1    Row Count: 1,207,287   Data last updated: 2017-10-27
Format description: Database representation of a net of alignments.
On download server: MariaDB table dump directory
fieldexampleSQL type description
bin 585smallint(5) unsigned Indexing field to speed chromosome range queries.
level 1int(10) unsigned Level of alignment
tName chr1varchar(255) Target chromosome
tStart 28416int(10) unsigned Start on target
tEnd 28419int(10) unsigned End on target
strand -char(1) Orientation of query. + or -
qName KN294453v1varchar(255) Query chromosome
qStart 395232int(10) unsigned Start on query
qEnd 395235int(10) unsigned End on query
chainId 5715int(10) unsigned Associated chain Id with alignment details
ali 3int(10) unsigned Bases in gap-free alignments
score 167double Score - a number proportional to 100x matching bases
qOver -1int(11) Overlap with parent gap on query side. -1 for undefined
qFar -1int(11) Distance from parent gap on query side. -1 for undefined
qDup 3int(11) Bases with two or more copies in query. -1 for undefined
type topvarchar(255) Syntenic type: gap/top/syn/nonsyn/inv
tN 0int(11) Unsequenced bases on target. -1 for undefined
qN 0int(11) Unsequenced bases on query. -1 for undefined
tR 0int(11) RepeatMasker bases on target. -1 for undefined
qR 0int(11) RepeatMasker bases on query. -1 for undefined
tNewR -1int(11) Lineage specific repeats on target. -1 for undefined
qNewR -1int(11) Lineage specific repeats on query. -1 for undefined
tOldR -1int(11) Bases of ancient repeats on target. -1 for undefined
qOldR -1int(11) Bases of ancient repeats on query. -1 for undefined
tTrf 0int(11) Bases of tandem repeats on target. -1 for undefined
qTrf 0int(11) Bases of tandem repeats on query. -1 for undefined

Connected Tables and Joining Fields (via netRBestRhiRox1.chainId)
      hg38.chainRBestRhiRox1Link.chainId (via netRBestRhiRox1.chainId)

Sample Rows

Note: all start coordinates in our database are 0-based, not 1-based. See explanation here.